UPOA Grand Reunion: Aksyon Omegan

Aksyon Omegan is our version of the Amazing Race. Up to now I'm still overwhelmed that my group named "The Team" won the race. So proud that we are the champions. Yehey for that!

Disclaimer: I know I'm supposed to be wearing sporty attire like my brods and sisses were wearing, 'cause there will be a lot of running or physical tasks. But because I'm such a lazy traveler, I didn't bring with me my rubber shoes. haha Fail! But anyways, kahit na pang-mall daw ang outfit ko sabi ng brod ko, carry parin, at least our group was declared champion. 

"The Team" at Palos Verdes entrance

the other teams

first task - run from the entrance to the soccer field holding a cup full of water
this was really the hardest task for me, I wasn't prepared for this. I'm really not a sporty kind of girl. 
I don't jog or exercise in the morning, which explains why even if 20 meters pa ang na run ko, i wanted to give up na. Thanks to my groupmates who boosted my spirit and trusted me na makaya ko, kahit na second to the last na ako nakarating haha loser me!

ang kalayo layo na soccer field from the entrance haha

other group in their relaxed mode, while our group at the back in serious mode 

second task - pinaka lingaw, walk together with our legs tied 

third task - this is the task where we led the race, thanks to my smart and active groupmates. serious oh!

fourth task - charades, but not the typical one. we used our tuhod, baba, nose, etc. to spell or act the words

fifth task - pass the message and build what can be inferred from the message.
that's us relaxing, waiting for our other groupmates (excuse my face, sulaw ang sun) 

sixth task - slightly like playing soccer

that's the other group building or forming something that can be inferred from the message passed

that's our group leading the race, going to the next task. 

seventh task - shoot the ball at designated places
last task - eat the chosen food all for yourself then shot the ball (no picture)

and yahoo our group made it first! even if it was a tiring activity, yet it was so fulfilling. 

hahaha me walang magawa

top and watch - Guess
pants - Bench
slippers - fitflops
bag - Lacoste
shades - Ray Ban

relax mode after the race with brod Charles

Tiring but fulfilling activity, especially that we've made it to the first place. Yehey for The Team! 'Til the next aksyon omegan!




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