
Showing posts from January, 2013

Law School Diaries: Postponed Exam

Wore this on a Friday where we have a scheduled exam, but thankfully it was postponed. It's the first time I wore this bandage skirt because when it arrived from mail, I tried it but it didn't fit me coz it was too sexy for me. But when I tried it again that day, luckily it fitted me like a tee. yehey for that! Went early to school and so I had the chance to take a photo of my outfit. P.S. I still have my last exam on Sunday. Wish me luck! :)) top - thrifted skirt -  M&M sandals - Montego bay club c/o Payless xoxo, Cza

Life of a Law Student

It is obvious basing from my blog title that I am a law student, in my third year to be exact.  And really, law is my passion and to be a lawyer is my ambition.  That's why I'm doing all my best to reach that goal. Yeah, it is and will be a bumpy journey ahead.  But I will not give up with God's grace and guidance. Even though I don't have the luxury of sleep,     because I'll be having late night dates with my books and cases, with the company of a bar of chocolate and iced or hot coffee. my lifestyle now. eat. sleep. read. playing in infinite repeat. FYI. It's midterms and i'll be studying my heart out. Wish me luck. :))  xoxo, the law student Cza

Holidays 2012

I really had a fun and memorable holiday celebration with my loved ones. I cannot imagine celebrating it with anyone else than with them. We spent Christmas at our house in Surigao City and the New Year in our farm house at Dinagat Islands. These are some of our pictures during Christmas and New Year celebration. Christmas New Year          It cannot be denied from the above pictures that I have a really cool family. And because of that, I love them to the moon and back. xoxo, Cza