Trick or Treat

Spent my Halloween at Dinagat Islands with Mama, cousins and pamangkins. It was a fun-filled halloween. Its a time not just to remember our loved ones who have passed away but also an opportunity to bond with your family. November 2 is the birthday of one of my pamangkins and my inaanak - Liana Carie. This is what I wore to that birthday celebration. Just a relax outfit. My pamangkins were very makulit, that they acted as if they were vampires and zombies at the same time and posed theirselves in the camera. Ang kukyut at ang kukulit, but I love it. No dull moment when your with them. necklace - Mia Casa top - Stylista shorts - shorts to love watch - local store slippers - Havaianas Kulitan time birthday girl, my inaanak - Liana acting na acting mga pamangkin ko zombies my cute pamangkins before they made themselves like zombies/vampires my beautiful Sister Rem she insisted that i sho...